Thursday, June 3, 2010

3rd Annual Cruise Night in Boyertown 2010

Boyertown’s 3rd Annual Cruise Night

On Saturday, June 19, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Building a Better Boyertown (BBB) will be hosting Boyertown's 3rd Annual Cruise Night. BBB would like to welcome all Vehicle Enthusiasts (car or truck) to join us for our Cruise Night in downtown Boyertown.(rain date July 17)

All vehicle owners are invited to participate. For a minimal preregistration fee of $10.00 ($15 day of the event), FREE grab bags will only be offered to those vehicles that are preregistered .Car/truck owners can display their vehicle along Third-Fifth Streets of Reading Avenue in downtown Boyertown, starting at 4 p.m. until 8p.m. (Registration begins at 3)

Registration Forms can be found at under News Letters and Reports

Award plaques will be given by each event sponsor for their choice of vehicle.

Only Cruise Night Participants will be able to park on Reading Avenue. There will be several vendors and local businesses within walking distance that will be open to visit, or grab a bite to eat while enjoying music as we turn back the hands of time.

There's only one Cruise Night in downtown Boyertown, so come on down with your "done-up" classic, "rocked out" custom, or banged up beater. It doesn't matter if it's a Ford, Chevy, Dodge or foreign, all vehicles are welcome!

Don't have a car or truck to show off at our Cruise Night? Stop on by anyway and have a look at all the beautiful rides while you walk around and enjoy the food, friends and community togetherness. Enjoy the Special $1.00 Roll Back to the 50’s Movie Special Showing of Speed Racer at the Boyertown State Theatre. The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles will be having the museum open the extended hours; and will be passing out postcards with half price admission to the museum. One of the postcards received that day will be drawn for a participant’s vehicle to be on the museum’s TV show. The Keystone Station 17 Fire Co. will be selling raffle tickets for a Harley Davidson Drawing Aug, 28). The Miller-Keystone Blood Center Mobile Unit will be out from 3-7:30 for a blood drive. (signing up in advance through BBB is recommended 610-369-3054)

Public Restrooms will be located at: Good Shepherd Church, St. Johns Church, and the Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles.

Last year’s event hosted over 250 vehicles!

BBB would like to extend gratitude to the Borough of Boyertown, the Boyertown Friendship Hook and Ladder Fire Co., and the Keystone Fire Co. the Aces and Eights Car Club, Michelle's Hair Designs, Pet-ercise, WZAR TV, The Boyertown Corvette Club, Club Automotion, Serenity Junction, Zimmers Pets, The State Theatre of Boyertown, Gretchen Lea Interior Design and all of the individual volunteers for all of their assistance at this event.

It is through the generosity of volunteers and employees such as those who provide civic services that Building a Better Boyertown is able to carry out its vision of Boyertown as an appealing destination town. It is through the generosity of volunteers and employees such as those who provide civic services and display community pride that Building a Better Boyertown is able to carry out its vision of Boyertown as an appealing destination town.

To date sponsors include: Super Walmart of Bechtelsville, Illusion Ranch, Boyertown Rita’s, The Auto Tag Place, Winner’s Circle Awards, Graber Letterin, It’s My Turn Karaoke, GiGi’s at Home Pet Care LLC, WZAR TV, Hush Puppy Grill, Pets-ercise, Ironstone Creek Barbeque, Heffner Construction, and Gilbertsville Auto Supply, Gilbertsville Auto Supply, The State Theatre of Boyertown, Zimmers Pets, Joe Paws Dog Bakery, and Heather Oxenford Photography

Sponsors whom choose not to utilize their vendor’s locations have the option to contribute their space to a Not of Profit or Civic Organization. Walmart is assisting in the fees involved with showing the film at the Boyertown State Theatre at the discounted rate so that the event is more family oriented, Rita’s Water Ice will be contributing their space to the Boyertown Area Salvation Army for root beer float sales, Heather Oxenford Photography will be contributing her space to Erin’s Dream for advocacy and fundraising efforts, The Auto Tags Place will be contributing their area to the Boyertown Area Kiwanis’s Club’s “Hot Dog Café”,

Proceeds from this event will benefit the sustainability of Building A Better Boyertown (BBB), a Not-for-Profit 501 (c)(3) Organization and assist in continuing downtown Boyertown community events organized by BBB’s Promotions Committee.

Spectators and Patrons, please use our special parking areas in the Innercore Parking Lot, the parking lot of The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles, 100 S. Walnut St. or on street parking on Philadelphia Ave.

(Resident inconvenienced by the event will have parking offered in the back lot of St. Johns Church for the day. The Inner Core Parking Lot and the Drive-Thru for Bause’s Super Drug Store will not be affected)

Volunteers are needed for this event,

2 hour shifts, various duties available.

4-6pm or 6-8pm

*FREE registration for participants who schedule to volunteer

*FREE "staff" t-shirt for anyone who volunteers for "barrier" or "parking" duty

*Special announcement of appreciation to any businesses or groups/organizations that volunteer for 2 or more hours.

Any business or organization volunteering this day that will not be on parking or barrier duty may wear their company shirt advertising their support to the community.

Please remember to visit the Boyertown Farmers Market 10-1 this day and to support our local downtown Boyertown businesses.

Call or email Heather Oxenford for more information or to sign up to volunteer
610-369-3054 cost:Free to spectators costs for participant

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

BBB Secures Funding

After two years of working on funding provided by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), Building A Better Boyertown (BBB) is proud to announce that a grant with funds provided through the Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Program (HRA) in the amount of $185,500 has been approved to undertake the Boyertown Cross Roads Streetscape project in downtown Boyertown. The Cross Roads Streetscape project will begin at the intersection of Reading and Philadelphia Avenues, the initial improvements will be approximately 120 feet in each of the 4 directions and may extend further depending on the construction bids.

The objective of this project is to improve Boyertown’s streetscape with sidewalk improvements, historic Victorian street lighting, comfortable benches, attractive signage, trees, trash receptacles, attractive informational kiosk, and planters in the proposed “Cross Roads” area in the core of the Main Street District of downtown Boyertown.

These improvements are the initial phase of the streetscape project which is part of Building a Better Boyertown’s ongoing revitalization effort. It is designed to attract visitors, inspire residents and enhance the retail atmosphere of the Main Street District. The streetscape improvements will enhance the community’s property value will increase as well as create a more attractive and appealing retail environment.

BBB anticipates that the improvements will tempt new businesses to join our quaint town while also boosting those businesses already present on our Main Street. Additional employment would be natural outcome from this effort as vacancies are filled and new businesses start-up in the town. The streetscape improvements are in line with the Economic Development Strategic Plan for Boyertown and Berks County. An Active and economically viable community discourages crime and blight.

Building A Better Boyertown’s Main Street Manager, Heather Oxenford said “Our charming town embraces the arts and the timeless quality of fine craftsmanship along with our Pennsylvania Dutch Heritage. Boyertown provides a memorable experience like nowhere else for family, friends and the traveler. With great appreciation to DCED and the other organizations that are making this project possible, it expresses their support of our community. The Boyertown Community will truly display a sense of place!"

Jake Lea, Building a Better Boyertown’s President stated that “This is a culmination of thousands of volunteer hours on the part of Boyertown area residents. I am extremely grateful to DCED for their recognition of these efforts. Boyertown has always had a community spirit and this is just another example of how the citizens, and our Borough Council can work together to make a significant impact”

Along with the funds provided by DCED, BBB has also secured funds from an appropriations bill supported by Congressman Gerlach, The Boyertown Area Charitable Giving Program of Berks County Community Foundation, a Community Development Block Grant through the office of Community Planning and Development, and a grant supported by State Representative David Kessler from DCED.

Revitalization of the Boyertown Main Street’s will:

*spur the retail industry's development
*increase the local tax base by attracting members to a thriving, healthy community
*create jobs in assorted arenas
*stimulate housing by attracting families to buy homes in Boyertown
*increase occupancy rates by attracting families and businesses to buy/rent in Boyertown
*fight sprawl through the promotion of the retail industry
*draw investors to an active, attractive, healthy community
*rehabilitate empty buildings eager to establish businesses in the community
*reflect the history of the community in supporting its historic industries, traditions, and values
*promote civic pride
*utilize existing infrastructure
*increase community involvement
*reaffirm commitment by local leaders
*benefit adjacent neighborhoods

As part of the strategic plan, BBB, with the assistance of the Borough of Boyertown, is in hopes of beginning with these Phases of their mission, the Streetscape Improvement Plan, in order to deliver on Building a Better Boyertown in 2011.

For more information about how you can help with the “Cross Roads” streetscape initiative, become active in the Boyertown community or about Building A Better Boyertown, please contact Heather Oxenford 610-369-3054 or visit

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bause's Super Drug Store Opens Drive-Thru Window

In Photo: Joshua Mcelroy (of Mcelroy Construction), Kellen Mcelroy (of Mcelroy Construction), Katie Mellott (of Bause’s Super Drug Store), Larry Mcelroy (of Mcelroy Construction), P Timothy Phelps (President, Tri-County Chamber of Commerce), Senator Michael O'Pake, Jane Bannister Mellott (Owner, Bause’s Super Drug Store), Hannah Mellott (of Bause’s Super Drug Store), Rich Graver (President, Victory Bank), Heather Oxenford (Building A Better Boyertown, Main Street Manager), Larry Mellott (of Bause’s Super Drug Store), Terri Staso (of Bause’s Super Drug Store)

On March 29, 2010, Bause’s Super Drug Store, of Boyertown’s Main Street District welcomed their new addition, a drive through window, with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

Serving the Boyertown community since 1935, Bause’s Super Drug Store’s Mission is: As a long-standing retail pharmacy business in the Boyertown community, Bause's is dedicated to providing quality pharmaceutical products, professional services and patient education to the Boyertown community.

Jane Mellott, Bause’s Super Drug Store’s owner said “We are an independently owned and operated pharmacy that is committed to helping make your health and Boyertown a better place to live by providing the community with high quality personal service and competitive prices. Our goal is to exceed your expectations in every area possible. We welcome special orders and requests for hard to find products as the staff believe each patient deserves personal, professional care and low-cost prescriptions.”

“Bause’s Super Drug Store’s goal is to give our customer’s the best price and service for all of their prescription medications and other health and beauty products. Now with our new Drive-thru-Window open, it gives us an even better opportunity to serve the community” stated Mellott.

For more information about Bause’s Super Drug Store please call (610) 367-8641 or visit

Heather Oxenford, Building A Better Boyertown's Main Street Manager says “For 75 years, Bause's staff has been dedicated to providing excellent, personalized customer service for the Boyertown community."

"Bause’s Super Drug Store is an independently owned and operated pharmacy that maintains a small town family atmosphere of hospitality and concern while embracing modern technological methods and advances. It is this "best of both worlds" environment that customers appreciate, knowing that years of training and experience back the friendly service and personal care that they receive. They are an Old Fashion Drug Store with Modern Day Conveniences.” state Oxenford

BBB believes strongly in developing Boyertown, promoting local businesses and enhancing the small-town feel that makes Boyertown so special. It is businesses like these that make our town "A Special Kind of Place".

For more information about Building A Better Boyertown, contact Heather Oxenford 610-369-3054 or visit

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Boyertown Farmers Market Receives Grant

Building a Better Boyertown’s Farmers Market has been awarded a grant of $1,845, respectively, under the state’s Direct Farm Sales Grant Program. The Boyertown Farmer’s Market is part of Building a Better Boyertown’s Economic Restructuring committee.

Throughout the nation, communities are using the Main Street approach to revitalize their traditional commercial districts. Boyertown's Main Street project seeks to weave the past, present, and future together toward the maintenance and development of a healthy economic structure, which promotes the values and traditions honored by its residents. In 2007, Building a Better Boyertown decided to implement a Farmer’s Market to help with economic growth in the commercial district as well as with local farmers. Project goals for the Farmer’s Market are to increase foot traffic in the Boyertown main street area, to promote local business and downtown revitalization, increase Berks County farmer’s access to consumers and to increase local citizen’s access to fresh, local produce.

Local farmers set up their tents and stands and invite the community to "shop local." Locally grown produce, meats, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy products, baked goods and homemade soaps, and local crafters are among the products offered for sale each Saturday from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. June-October and monthly November-May. Friends and neighbors greet one another, exchanged news and information, and enjoyed the bounties of the fall harvest as part of their weekly visit to the Farmer's Market.

The budget for the Boyertown Farmer’s Market consists of two main categories, marketing and staffing. The marketing funds are used to increase word of mouth about the farmer’s market and get residents to come. The marketing campaign is focused at local businesses and within local newspapers to reach as many people in the surrounding area as possible.

The second category of the budget is staffing. Building a Better Boyertown employs a Farmer’s Market Manager to recruit local farmers, conduct the marketing campaign, and ensure the weekly farmer’s market runs smoothly from set up to take down. The manager is also in charge of measuring the success of the farmer’s market by number of community members visiting and number of local farmers served. Additional costs for the project are insurance, entertainment at the farmer’s market, welcome packets for the farmers, and miscellaneous costs.

The Boyertown Farmers Market has a committed set of sixteen vendors so far for the 2010 season. The process for recruiting additional new farmers has started. Farmers must fill out an application and sign a commitment to participate in the market. Farmers will be chosen based on their ability to provide fresh produce, meat, and baked goods to consumers. The criteria for vendors are they must grow, raise, or create their product for sale. The Farmer’s Market Manager will be looking to have a diverse selection of goods for sale each week.

For more information about Building A Better Boyertown, please visit for information on the Farmers Market, please visit

You may also email Heather Oxenford, Building a Better Boyertown’s Main Street Manager or Brian Miller, Farm Manager/Sharon Lee Committee Chair

Or please call Building A Better Boyertown’s office: 610-369-3054

Building A Better Boyertown is a member of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center and is a designated Main Street Community.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bause’s Super Drug Store’s Drive thru Window Ribbon Cutting

On March 29, 2010 at 4 p.m. Bause’s Super Drug Store, of Boyertown’s Main Street District will welcome their new addition, a drive through window, with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

Serving the Boyertown community since 1935, Bause’s Super Drug Store’s Mission is: As a long-standing retail pharmacy business in the Boyertown community, Bause's is dedicated to providing quality pharmaceutical products, professional services and patient education to the Boyertown community.

Jane Mellott, Bause’s Super Drug Store’s owner said “We are an independently owned and operated pharmacy that is committed to helping make your health and Boyertown a better place to live by providing the community with high quality personal service and competitive prices. Our goal is to exceed your expectations in every area possible. We welcome special orders and requests for hard to find products as the staff believe each patient deserves personal, professional care and low-cost prescriptions.”

“Bause’s Super Drug Store’s goal is to give our customer’s the best price and service for all of their prescription medications and other health and beauty products. Now with our new Drive-thru-Window open, it gives us an even better opportunity to serve the community” stated Mellott.

For more information about Bause’s Super Drug Store please call (610) 367-8641 or visit

Heather Oxenford, Building A Better Boyertown's Main Street Manager says “For 75 years, Bause's staff has been dedicated to providing excellent, personalized customer service for the Boyertown community."

"Bause’s Super Drug Store is an independently owned and operated pharmacy that maintains a small town family atmosphere of hospitality and concern while embracing modern technological methods and advances. It is this "best of both worlds" environment that customers appreciate, knowing that years of training and experience back the friendly service and personal care that they receive. They are an Old Fashion Drug Store with Modern Day Conveniences.” state Oxenford

BBB believes strongly in developing Boyertown, promoting local businesses and enhancing the small-town feel that makes Boyertown so special. It is businesses like these that make our town "A Special Kind of Place".

For more information about Building A Better Boyertown, contact Heather Oxenford 610-369-3054 or visit

Saturday, March 6, 2010

BBB Announces Annual Membership Meeting

Dear BBB Members,

The annual membership meeting of the Building a Better Boyertown will be held on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Room of the Boyertown Borough Hall, 100 South Washington Street, Boyertown, PA.

The purpose of this meeting is to have the BBB members elect additional directors to the board of directors and for members to receive a report of progress from the president of the board, John W. Lea, the Main Street Manager, Heather L. Oxenford, and BBB’s Committee Chairs.

We cordially invite you to attend the annual meeting.

We will keep the meeting as succinct as possible but we would like to allow you the time to express any opinions or concerns you may have. A great deal is happening as BBB continues to advance its mission. We want to share the good news with you.

The Board of Directors of BBB looks forward to seeing you and at the annual meeting on March 23rd. If you are unable to attend we will see you on the Main Street.

Regards from,

John W. Lea, President

Heather L. Oxenford, Main Street Manager

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Boyertown’s Second Pictorial History Book

Boyertown’s Second Pictorial History Book
Features DVD of Interviews with Boyertown Notables

A two-hour DVD, Coming Together—Interviews with Special People from a Very Special Kind of Place—Boyertown, PA, included with Boyertown’s second pictorial history book, compiles interviews of 16 men and women of Boyertown’s past and present.

Farms and orchards, civic and service organizations, and a focus on volunteers who have devoted countless hours to the betterment of the community since it was chartered in 1866 became the core of the vision for the second book along with off -Main Street businesses, everyday life, and scenes of the area not included in the first book.

Chapter titles featured in the 169-page volume are Main Street Revisited, Scenes of the Area, Area Farms and Orchards, Civic Organizations, Off-Main Street Businesses, Renowned Citizens, and Celebrations. Each chapter, authored by different individuals, provides a variety of “voices” and writing styles to the effort.

The interviews included the participants’ memories of Boyertown’s past; the people they knew and admired whose leadership, vision, and energy formed the character of the community; thoughts and reflections about the unique characteristics which led to its strengths and successes; and hopes and plans for the community’s future.

Copies of the pictorial history book and DVD are available at the following locations: Bause’s Super Drug Store, 42 East Philadelphia Avenue; Crown Card and Gift, Gilbertsville Shopping Center; Twin Turrets Inn, 11 East Philadelphia Avenue; Gracefully Framed, 135 East Philadelphia Avenue; Studio B, 39A East Philadelphia Avenue; and the office of Building a Better Boyertown, 12 North Reading Avenue.

Please contact Building A Better Boyertown’s Main Street Manager, Heather Oxenford 610-369-3054 to receive your copy of the book and DVD through the mail. Soft-cover + DVD--$31.79; Hard-cover +DVD-- $52.99 (prices include tax, please add $10.35 for shipping and handling).