Thursday, October 15, 2009

Buy Locally this Holiday Season!

Buy Locally this Holiday Season!

Downtown Boyertown specializes in various LOCAL art, jewelry, gifts, antiques, classes, dining and more.

So if you are updating your wardrobe with some new jewelry and accessories, are remodeling, moving into new office space, or just looking for that special gift, stop by any of our Downtown Boyertown shops!

Many one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry, blown glass, fused glass, pottery, furniture, sculptures, paintings, purses, and specialty gifts are on hand or can be specially ordered.

If you have a project focusing on a particular theme or style, we have many local artists who do commissions.


Where can you find these items?

* Barry Bachman Music Store

Music instruction, instruments, instrument repair, and musical supplies

* Bauses Supper Drug Store

Various gift items, Boyertown memorabilia, health and beauty needs, pharmacy, photo center, lottery tickets, and more

* Beauty by Design

Hair and skin care, manicures, pedicures, odorless acrylic,
purses, jewelry, accessories

* Bella June

Hair care, jewelry, assorted local art

* Boyertown Farmers Market

Local produce, coffee, meats, baked goods, and crafters
(Open once a month after October 31)

* Building A Better Boyertown's Office

Boyertown Pictorial History Book, Boyertown historical note cards, prints of Dave Larsons' "A Special Kind of Place mural", local art

* Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles

Tours, Various gift items, Boyertown memorabilia, meeting facility

* Carmelo's Pizza

Various authentic Italian style meals and pastries

* Clayote

Local pottery, art, classes and commission work

* Current Trends

Hair care and purses

* Curves

Health and Wellness

* Dice's Creative Cakes

Various baked goods and custom cakes

* Durango's Saloon

Vast variety of dinner menu items and drinks

* D&W Motorsports

Custom Powder Coating and Media Blasting

* Ellixsons Tae Kwon DO Academy

Self-defense, physical fitness, attire

* Frecon's Hard Bean Café

Specialty coffees, teas, various light editables, local art, jewelry, purses

* Gracefully Framed

Custom matting, framing, local art, various gift items

* The Grill Shop

Breakfast and lunch

* Historic State Theatre

Movies, entertainment, meeting facility

* Inside the Cherry Cupboard


* Iezzi's Taveren

Various authentic Italian style meals, seafood, and drinks

* Joseph's Salon

Hair Care

* Lilly Nails

Manicures and pedicures

* Luicana's Unique Design Kitchen and Bath

Full and partial remodeling services for kitchens and bathrooms

* Mario's Pizza

Various authentic Italian style meals and pastries

* Michelle's Hair Designs

Hair and skin care, tanning, massage, jewelry, manicures and pedicures

* Miracles In Motion Dance Studio and Theatre in Motion

Dance lessons, performances, and entertainment

* Pachella Arms

Outdoor sporting needs

* Patsy's Potpourri of Gifts

Various original gift items from local crafters, jewelery,
Simply Tasteful order station, retired Longaberger Baskets

* Rita's Water Ice

Water ice, frozen custard, soft pretzels and beverages
(open seasonally)

* Serenity Junction (Opening November 2009)

Health and Wellness,tanning, local art

* Signet Performance
Dance and activity attire

* Spotted Dog Barkery

Home baked goods for any dogs palate, various gift items and dog attire

* Studio B

Local art of all genre by local artist, meeting facility, commission work,
and classes

* Sweet Beginnings

Breakfast, lunch, baked goods and catering

* Taylor Backes Glass Blowing Studio

Custom made blown glass, classes/workshops, jewelery, and commission work

* Twin Turrerts Inn

Bed and breakfast, and antiques

* Winner's Circle Awards and Trophies

Custom made personalized gifts, awards, trophies and attire


Have your old home movies and slides transferred to DVD and give your family something to remember. Any format film or videotape can be transferred.

* Zimmers Pets

Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Rodents for purchase, various pet care
and gift items

Community Meeting

Please join us!

When October 27, 2009, 6:30 Meet and Greet
7:00 Meeting and Discussion

Where Friendship Hook & Ladder

Why BBB's Crossroads Rehabilitation
Streetscape project

What Refreshment, Snacks and Discussion

Dear Downtown Business Owners and Community Members,

Building a Better Boyertown is excited to have this opportunity to invite you to an informational meeting. The discussion is about the pending and exciting Crossroads Rehabilitation project. While we are thrilled to be in the final planning stages of the initial phase, we understand that the project will affect you and other businesses/owners in our Main Street District.

The Design Committee, BBB Board and Borough are currently working with the engineers on this plan that would enhance Boyertown's already charming character. Since this project does involve the street and right-of-way areas near the intersection of Reading and Philadelphia Avenues, we feel we need to discuss the streetscape with you and answer any questions you may have. The plan includes adding trees, a brick ribbon sidewalk, and Victorian street lights as some of the ways to provide beautification and enhancement to our downtown. The project planned will not be an expense to you but rather funded by grants.

Please plan to meet us for refreshments and snacks on Tuesday, October 27th at 7:00 PM at the Friendship Hook & Ladder. Building a Better Boyertown looks forward to sharing the details of this exciting endeavor. We also look forward to your questions and comments.

Please reply to Heather Oxenford, 610-369-3054 to indicate if you would like to meet to find out more about the Crossroads Rehabilitation streetscape project.


Jake Lea
BBB President

Heather Oxenford
BBB Main Street Manager

Polly Heeney
Design & Façade Committee

Charles Haddad
Design Committee: Streetscape Chairperson

Boyertown Farmers Market Extends the Season

Boyertown Community Theatre Company

Reuse, Recycle, Raku

Clayote would like to announce that they are now accepting deliveries of unwanted: paper, cardboard, phone books, magazines, news papers, saw dust, leaves, and pine needles as their effort to recycle your unwanted items into creating art "Recycle, Reuse, Raku"

Raku firing is unpredictable and volatile, but produces exquisitely beautiful results.

The Raku Kiln:

In Raku, a ceramic piece is quickly heated to approximately 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. A Raku piece will be brought up to temperature in 40 minutes, whereas other forms of firing will take hours or even days. Raku firings are most often created in a gas or propane kiln. The gas flame is enhanced by an electric blower, which provides more oxygen to the flame making it burn hotter. This is similar to what is done in a metal forge.

The Reduction Atmosphere and Raku Glazes:

The piece is then placed in a closed container, such as a metal garbage can, with newspaper, wood shavings, leaves or other combustibles. The combustible material immediately ignites and the container is then closed.

By closing the container, a reduction atmosphere is created. Reduction means the fire burns with a lack of oxygen. Pieces with no glaze in such an atmosphere will turn black. The piece is then smoked inside the container for 10 - 30 minutes. During this time, the glaze reacts with various elements in the container, creating flashes of color and a shiny luster. Raku glazes are formulated to perform in a reduction atmosphere. Some Raku glazes contain copper, and produce a striking, metallic finish. Others create a beautiful, crackle finish.

Raku produces extraordinary results which cannot be predicted. The mixture of different temperatures and a broad range of chemical elements make Raku a medium for those who can release control of the results.

For more information please contact Clayote

Friday, October 2, 2009

Greshville Antiques and Fine Art Exhibit/Sale

The Catered opening on Friday, October 16, 2009, 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at Boyertown’s Studio B for Greshville Antiques and Fine Art Exhibit/Sale
featuring Frederick Sands Brunner: Boyertown’s Rockwell. Exhibit runs through November 30, 2009.

Studio B to Stage Greshville Antiques and Fine Art Exhibit/Sale
Featuring Frederick Sands Brunner: Boyertown’s Rockwell

Kurt and Valerie Malmberg of Greshville Antiques and Fine Art will host a catered opening reception, Friday, October 16, 2009, 5:00-7:00 p.m. to introduce a new exhibition of the work of well-known illustrator from Boyertown’s history—Frederick Sands Brunner –known as Boyertown’s Rockwell. The exhibit will run through November 30, 2009.

Over two dozen original works by Brunner including vintage posters and calendar art that originally appeared as magazine covers and articles as well as a number of his personal landscapes and portraits, will be on display and for sale at Studio B, 39A East Philadelphia Avenue, Boyertown.

Frederick Sands Brunner:
Frederick Sands Brunner was born and raised in Boyertown, PA, in 1886, son of Samuel L. and Anna (Sands) Brunner and became nationally known as an illustrator in the era of magazine art, what was known as the “Golden Age” of illustration.
Brunner aspired to be a trapper; he loved the outdoors. But, after he drew a valentine for his teacher and received a mark of “200,” he began to study art.
His sister, Eva E. Brunner, taught art at Boyertown High School and is remembered fondly today by former students.
Brunner graduated from the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, now The University of the Arts College of Art and Design, in 1909 with a diploma in illustration and studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts with Daniel Garber.
In 1910 Brunner was living in Philadelphia, listing his occupation as artist. By 1918 he was a recognized commercial artist. His early works (1905-1912) might have been displayed by his father, out of fatherly pride in his dry good store, known as the Rath and the Oberholtzer properties, located in the former Odd Fellows complex, 37 East Philadelphia Avenue. Brunner would have been 26 when his father died and the store closed.
His first job was a staff artist for the Ladies Home Journal where he did pen and ink drawings of celebrities, illustrations and cover designs. Brunner then moved on to freelance for numerous magazines. He served as illustrator for magazine covers for Curtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia.
His paintings appeared on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post, in advertisements for Coca-Cola, Kellogg’s cereal and Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Brunner’s work was utilized by the American Red Cross in what was called a “striking appeal to the European war sufferers.” His placard was adopted and spread throughout the nation.
In addition to his commercial illustration work, Brunner also painted for his own enjoyment. He continued to love the outdoors and painted many landscapes in the Adirondack Mountains of New York.
Portraits of his wife and two daughters were some of his favorite subjects. He often used his relatives as models to pose for his sketches. Daughter Sybil appears on the Valentine Post cover.
During World War II, he did two Red Cross posters and painted many portraits, among them General Carl Spaatz, his old Boyertown friend; Chester Gersten, a New York banker; and George F. Tibbitts, founder of the Gospel Volunteers of the World.
Brunner’s portrait of General Spaatz hangs in the library of Boyertown Area High School; another portrait of General Spaatz (held until recently by the family; now with Greshville Antiques and Fine Art) is now owned by The Historical Society of Berks County, Reading, PA. Brunner also painted the portrait of Dr. Charles Dotterer, the "dean" of Boyertown physicians,
Brunner was also an artist at living. He loved his dogs, liked to fish, ride his horse “Bright Eyes,” hike, climb, canoe, and shoot with bow and arrow. He was an avid reader, an exceptional cook and very interested in American Indians.
The April issue of the Ladies’ Home Journal features an illustration entitled, “Her Souvenir.” This cover displays the portrait of an American officer, who stands high in the ranks of the aviation section and is well known to many of the people of this community. In the foreground of the drawing, a sweetheart of the man “over there” is just enjoying the valued gift from her friend in the form of a German steel helmet which has been delivered by the postal authorities.
Brunner died suddenly of a heart attack April 21,1954 in his home in Philadelphia.
Information re: F. Sands Brunner provided through the efforts of Betty Burdan in conjunction with the Boyertown Area Historical Society.

Greshville Antiques and Fine Art:
The Malmbergs, owners of Greshville Antiques and Fine Art, have been researching Berks County artists and their works for more than 25 years. They are considered the leading authorities and appraisers of Berks County Art and frequently assist auction houses, institutions, appraisers, and collectors in evaluating and purchasing this rediscovered regional art.
Each October, Greshville Antiques and Fine Art hosts the Annual Berks County Art Show. For more information on Greshville Antiques and Fine Art, contact Valerie Malmberg, 610-367-0076 or visit

Studio B:
Studio B, located in the heart of historic Boyertown, is the home of the Arts and Activities Alliance, a committee of Building a Better Boyertown, a nonprofit Main Street program dedicated to revitalizing small towns.
Studio B celebrates lifelong learning, creativity and personal involvement in the visual and literary arts, offers opportunities to enhance creativity, health, and wellness through the arts and seeks to be a dynamic part of Boyertown community, a “go to” destination for learning, fun and friendship. The studio seeks to showcase the work of fine artists in themed exhibits—some juried, some open to all—and welcomes art in diverse media. In addition to art exhibits and classes, Studio B also hosts catered dinners for service clubs and small groups, gallery talks, and “Getting to Know You” opportunities.
Visitors are always welcome to view the changing exhibits; take lessons in the visual, literary, and communication arts offered by highly-trained local artists and teachers; and schedule small events or parties in its elegant facility. The studio proudly collaborates with the Boyertown Area Community Library and Boyertown Area YMCA as well as brother/sister galleries and art-related businesses.

Good Timing:
The Brunner exhibit capitalizes on the community’s love of its history. The release of Building a Better Boyertown’s second pictorial history book/DVD is planned for Friday, November 27, 2009, at the community’s inaugural Premiere Art Show/Sale to be held at Good Shepherd Church. A book signing is a planned feature of the Friday event.
On Sunday, November 29-- the day before the close of Greshville Antiques and Fine Arts Frederick Sands Brunner exhibit--Studio B is inviting the community from 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. for coffee and conversation as part of Studio B’s Sunday Series, to meet some of the individuals featured in the book and DVD.
The volume is entitled The History of the Boyertown Area in Pictures: Special People Create a Special Place—a 168-page book which includes a two-hour DVD featuring interviews from 16 men and women from the community recalling their memories of people, places, activities, and events unique to this special kind of place.

The ink wasn't dry before members of Building a Better Boyertown's committee on creating the 2007 pictorial history book began to plan the second book.

Titled The History of the Boyertown Area in Pictures: Special People Create a Special Place, the 168-page book includes a two-hour DVD featuring interviews from 16 men and women from the community recalling their memories of people, places, activities, and events unique to this special kind of place.

The combination book and DVD will be released on November 27, 2009, as a feature of Boyertown's Premiere Art Show/Sale to be held at Good Shepherd Church in time for holiday giving.

Farms and orchards, civic and service organizations, and a focus on volunteers who have devoted countless hours to the betterment of the community since it was chartered in 1866 became the core of the vision for the second book along with off -Main Street businesses, everyday life, and scenes of the area not included in the first book.

Chapter titles featured in the 169-page volume are Main Street Revisited, Scenes of the Area, Area Farms and Orchards, Civic Organizations, Off-Main Street Businesses, Renowned Citizens, and Celebrations. Each chapter, authored by different individuals, provides a variety of "voices" and writing styles to the effort. Each "Chapter Chair" involved his or her own network in collecting information and photographs. An assortment of proofreaders added expertise and information to the project.

Featuring the human angle to focus on the people who have created and maintained this special community inspired a call for names of citizens through letters-to-the-editor. These "nominations" plus Boyertown's unique Citizens of the Year event served as the basis for the "Renowned Citizens" chapter.

Authors include Jim Jannotti, Off-Main Street Businesses; Gordon Moser, Area Farms; Richard Frecon, Area Orchards; Margaret Harner, Civic Organizations; Diane Van Dyke, Renowned Citizens; and Linnette Hulbert, Celebrations. Jane Stahl served as editor.

Proofreaders include Dan Bause, Kim Frain, Margaret Harner, Jim Tribbett, Kitty Reese, Linette Hulbert, Gordie Moser, Dick Frecon, Athena Jones, and Barbara and Daniel Johnson. Gene Rothenberger served as layout artist and designer of the book.

The DVD included with the book, features the work of the members of WZAR-TV--Zach Reinert--a special young entrepreneur, owner and operator of WZAR-TV, and student of video production at Kutztown University; Bethanne Reinert; Mary Kent; and Joy Rhude. Reinert, known locally for his cable TV show entitled Boyertown Live, preserves in video the present Boyertown scene for future generations.

Narrating the DVD are long-time residents Linnette (Ott) Hulbert and Margaret (Leidy) Harner, along with Boyertown teacher Jeff D. Stahl and Kutztown University senior Christiana Weidner. Both Stahl and Weidner, born and raised in Boyertown, love the community and represent voices of Boyertown's future.

The book and DVD, sponsored by Building a Better Boyertown, will be released on November 27, 2009, as a feature of Boyertown's Premiere Art Show/Sale to be held at Good Shepherd Church. A book signing is a planned feature of the event.

Tickets ($25) for the Premiere Art Show's catered "Meet the Artists" opening and book signing scheduled for Friday, November 27, 2009, from 7:00-9:00 pm will be available at Studio B, 39A East Philadelphia Avenue; Twin Turrets Inn, 11 East Philadelphia Avenue; and Bause's Super Drug Store, 42 East Philadelphia Avenue--strong supporters of the arts in Boyertown. Artists and authors are eager to meet and celebrate the many artistic talents and efforts of this special community at the Friday opening/book signing.

Call Heather Oxenford or Sharon Kistler at Building a Better Boyertown 610-369-3054 to reserve copies of the book and DVD. Soft-cover + DVD--$29.99 plus tax; Hard-cover +DVD-- $49.99 plus tax.

Copies of the pictorial history book and DVD will be available at the following locations: Bause's Super Drug Store, 42 East Philadelphia Avenue; Crown Card and Gift, Gilbertsville Shopping Center; Twin Turrets Inn, 11 East Philadel;phia Avenue; Gracefully Framed, 135 East Philadelphia Avenue; Studio B, 39A East Philadelphia Avenue; and the office of Building a Better Boyertown, 12 North Reading Avenue.

The art show/sale is a new venture for the community in celebration of the first anniversary of Studio B, the home of Boyertown's Arts and Activities Alliance, a committee of Building a Better Boyertown.
Studio B has as its mission the promotion of the visual and literary arts and artists of the area and enhancing creativity along with the health and wellness of the community.
Over 50 artists will showcase their work during the weekend art show; an opening reception is planned for Friday, November 27, 2009, from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. featuring the culinary arts of Linda Ross's Food Muse. Tickets for the opening can be purchased at Studio B, 39A East Philadelphia Avenue, Twin Turrets Inn, 11 East Philadelphia Avenue, and Bause's Super Drug Store, 42 East Philadelphia Avenue, strong supporters of the arts in Boyertown.

A special feature of the Premiere Art Show is a contest with prizes for those works of art featuring "Scenes of Boyertown"--areas within the four Gateway Signs. First place cash prize--$500; second place--$300; third place--$200 will be awarded at the opening reception along with purchase awards.

The show is open and free to the public Friday, November 27, 2009, from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 28, 2009, from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.