Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Gerlach visits Boyertown, delivers $475,000 for streetscape initiative

After a year of working on appropriation funding from the 2009 Omnibus Bill , Congressman Jim Gerlach presented a check to Building A Better Boyertown (BBB) and the Borough of Boyertown for the amount of $475,000 to improve their streetscape with sidewalk improvements, historic Victorian street lighting, comfortable benches, attractive signage, trees, trash receptacles, attractive informational kiosk, and planters in the proposed “Cross Roads” area in the core of the Main Street District of downtown Boyertown.
These improvements are the initial phase of the streetscape project which is part of Building a Better Boyertown’s ongoing revitalization effort. It is designed to attract visitors, inspire residents and enhance the retail atmosphere of the Main Street District. The streetscape improvements will enhance the community’s property value will increase as well as create a more attractive and appealing retail environment.
BBB anticipates that the improvements will tempt new businesses to join our quaint town while also boosting those businesses already present on our Main Street. Additional employment would be natural outcome from this effort as vacancies are filled and new businesses start-up in the town. The streetscape improvements are in line with the Economic Development Strategic Plan for Boyertown and Berks County. An Active and economically viable community discourages crime and blight.
Along with the funds provided by Congressman Gerlach, BBB has also received funds from The Boyertown Area Charitable Giving Program of Berks County Community Foundation who has awarded $40,000 towards assistance with the professional costs related to the services required, a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $50,000 through the office of Community Planning and Development, and $10,000 supported by State Representative David Kessler from the Department of Community and Economic Development.
Building A Better Boyertown’s Main Street Manager, Heather Oxenford said “Our charming town embraces the arts and the timeless quality of fine craftsmanship along with our Pennsylvania Dutch Heritage. Boyertown provides a memorable experience like nowhere else for family, friends and the traveler. With great appreciation to Congressman Gerlach and the other organizations that are making this project possible, The Boyertown Community will truly display a sense of place!"
Jake Lea, Building a Better Boyertown’s President stated that “This is a culmination of thousands of volunteer hours on the part of Boyertown area residents. I am extremely grateful to Representative Gerlach for his recognition of these efforts and going to bat for the Borough when in Washington. Boyertown has always had a community spirit and this is just another example of how the citizens, the Borough Council and our legislators can work together to make a significant impact”
Revitalization of the Boyertown Main Street’s will:
*spur the retail industry's development
*increase the local tax base by attracting members to a thriving, healthy community
*create jobs in assorted arenas
*stimulate housing by attracting families to buy homes in Boyertown
*increase occupancy rates by attracting families and businesses to buy/rent in Boyertown
*fight sprawl through the promotion of the retail industry
*draw investors to an active, attractive, healthy community
*rehabilitate empty buildings eager to establish businesses in the community
*reflect the history of the community in supporting its historic industries, traditions, and values
*promote civic pride
*utilize existing infrastructure
*increase community involvement
*reaffirm commitment by local leaders
*benefit adjacent neighborhoods
As part of the strategic plan, BBB, with the assistance of the Borough of Boyertown, is in hopes of beginning with these Phases of their mission, the Streetscape Improvement Plan, in order to deliver on Building a Better Boyertown in 2010.
For more information about how you can help with the “Cross Roads” streetscape initiative, become active in the Boyertown community or about Building A Better Boyertown, please contact Heather Oxenford 610-369-3054 or visit
Studio B Hosts Second Annual Plein Air Event
Studio B Hosts Second Annual Plein Air Event
Studio B, Boyertown’s up and coming premier art gallery, will host a plein air event in conjunction with the International Plein Air Painters’ 7th Annual Worldwide Plein Air Paint Out, scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2009. All area artists are invited to participate. Registration and stamping of blank canvases will take place at Studio B, 39A E. Philadelphia Ave., on Friday, September 11 from 5-7:00 p.m.
Artists will set up their easels within the Borough of Boyertown on Saturday, September 12 and will have until 5:00 p.m. to complete their work. The public is invited to roam the town, meet the artists, and glimpse the works in progress; a list of the artists’ locations will be available at Studio B. Free parking is available at the Inner Core parking lot behind Bause’s Drugstore. This year the artist support area, with refreshments and restroom, will also be inside Studio beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.
At 5:00 p.m. artists are invited to a reception at Studio B to share their work and enjoy refreshments with one another and interested members of the community. The artists will also be invited to exhibit their work at Studio B as part of Boyertown’s Oktoberfest, scheduled for September 19, 2009.
Plein air artists seek the quality of natural light and atmosphere outdoors. Their art work is in direct response to the beauty they find in nature. They use a variety of media, from oils through watercolors and pastels.
Plein air painting developed in France in the mid 19th century and is becoming increasingly popular. Last year's event drew artists from all over the globe as well as the surrounding area.
The International Plein Air Painters, which has members who reside throughout the world, is the blanket organization for individual plein air groups and was created for the sole purpose of advancing the execution and enjoyment of plein air painting without limitations of borders or regions. Its members share inspiration both on the Internet and at "paint outs” and encourage each other to get out and do it, to paint with other artists and share ideas.
For more information on Boyertown’s event, contact Jane Stahl at 610-367-8066 or, or visit
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Clayote has OPENED

As a clay/pottery studio; CLAYOTE is now OPEN for classes, events, corporate workshops, group mosaics and murals, birthday parties and "Clay- Dates"!
Chris Fisher and Danielle Millard-Wanner have come together with their children, pets and goals of cultivating celebration of life creatively in every community they encounter. Clayote is a collaboration of personal, whimsical fine art for sale, commissioned murals and mosaic/shadowbox installations, and community connection enhancement though classes and events for any age, ability, situation or background. Danielle's MUDPUPPIES and MUDSLINGER classes have had positive and enthusiastic support for the Northern Arizona communities for the past 7 years. The artwork has been enjoyable for collectors from all continents.
For more information about Clayote please contact Danielle Millard-Wanner or 484-888-4709
Heather Oxenford, Building A Better Boyertown's Main Street Manager says "This is truly and exciting week! The Boyertown community has welcomed Clayote with open arms and wishes Danielle, Chris and their family the best of success! BBB believes strongly in developing Boyertown, promoting local businesses and enhancing the small-town feel that makes Boyertown so special. It is businesses like these that make our town "A Special Kind of Place".
For more information about Building A Better Boyertown, please visit
Or contact Heather Oxenford or 610-369-3054